Attention stressed-out and high-achiever women

Turn Your Health And Life From A Constant Struggle Into A Thriving Journey Of Well-Being And Fulfilment

Step Into a Transformational Journey For Your Body, Mind, and Life

It’s time to say goodbye to sacrificing your well-being and tirelessly hustling with minimal results

Instead embrace a new perspective: learning to harmonise with your body, nourishing it with the right foods, and establishing sustainable habits that fuel your daily energy, maintain your ideal weight, and enhance overall happiness.


Does this sound like you?


Always feeling drained and relying on coffee to get through the day.


Frustrated with diet after diet, never finding one that truly works.


Feeling like you're always putting others first and losing sight of yourself.


Struggling with unending stress that feels like it's taking over your life.


Endless struggle that never seems to fade?

You are looking for a real transformation of your life and finally have the energy, health and zest for life you deserve. And you trully deserve it.

Envision yourself gaining energy, losing weight, and gaining control over your moods, cravings, sleepless nights and self-doubts. 

Break Free From Temporary Solutions:

Crash & Fad Diets

These quick fixes are often unsustainable, leading to more weight gain, less energy and nutritional deficiencies.

Say YES to You First.

Willpower Struggle

We’ll tackle the emotional and physiological aspects that diets alone can’t fix.

It’s time to delve deeper.

One-Size-Fits-All Advice

You are unique, and your path to wellness should be too.

 This is about YOU, your body, your journey.

You want to enjoy bountiful energy, stable weight, and profound well-being, so…


Here’s a bold question for you

What if you could stop struggling and feeling overwhelmed and instead experience a sense of ease and empowerment?

Sounds too good to be true? Keep reading and I’ll show you exactly how!

Picture This, Beautiful… You’re breaking free from all those negative vibes and self-doubt. You’re living life with no barriers, feeling super confident and proud. Imagine waking up buzzing with energy, feeling light and healthy, and totally in sync with your body.

I’ll be honest with you

Getting to this point wasn’t easy

I want to share a deeply personal journey of realisation, growth, and self-discovery with you.

I’m Antonela and my journey as an MSc. Nutritional Therapist has been fueled by a deep-seated passion for guiding women like you through the intricate dance of hormonal changes. I’ve seen firsthand the struggles that women face in finding their health path in this age of overwhelming ‘quick fixes’ and misleading internet advice.

Ever feel lost in a sea of conflicting health tips, each claiming to be the ‘end-all-be-all’? I hear you. That’s why I’m here with a breath of fresh air: in the world of health and nutrition, there’s no magic bullet that works for everyone. We’re all beautifully unique, with our own stories, bodies, and paths to wellness. This is what I embrace as ‘bio-individuality’ – the understanding that your journey to health should be as unique as you are, tailored to your specific symptoms, genetics, background, and lifestyle.

It’s about tuning into your body’s subtle signals and mastering the art of nurturing it, instead of trying to fit into a one-size-fits-all approach.

About Me

With a Master’s degree in Exercise and Nutrition Science from the University of Chester and another from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila in Bucharest, I bring a wealth of knowledge and a heart full of empathy to our journey together. Over the next six months, I’m excited to walk with you, sharing insights and strategies that will empower you to reclaim your energy, balance your hormones, and uncover your inner vitality.

My mission? To be your ally in understanding your body, creating a personalized nutrition plan that resonates with your unique needs, and guiding you towards a life of balanced wellness.

Are You Ready to Reconnect with Your Best Self?
Let’s embark on this incredible 6-month adventure to health and happiness, hand in hand.

Here’s What Happened to Me… And Why It Matters to You

My Turning Point, and How It Sparks Change for Us All

Not too long ago, when I was wrestling with PTSD. It was tough, really tough. My emotional well-being took a hit, my habits went haywire, and my body… well, it felt like it wasn’t mine anymore. I was dealing with anxiety that just wouldn’t quit, sleepless nights, and to top it all off, my health started to decline with hormonal imbalance, prediabetes and an autoimmune condition. But you know what? In all that mess, I found something pretty unique.

Working through PTSD with my therapists and coaches, I had this lightbulb moment: Getting my energy, sleep, weight, hormones, and blood sugar right wasn’t just about food or exercise. It was about my mindset and beliefs. It hit me that real lasting change needs rock-solid support, someone in your corner all the way, and a total shift in how you think and feel about yourself.

And that’s when it struck me!

An idea sparked within me to create a program offering women comprehensive and ongoing support, the missing puzzle in my journey toward health and wellness.

I wanted to create something special for women – a program that gives you all the support I wish I had – a community where we could all grow, heal and thrive together.

And you know what? It worked.

I started seeing the changes I’d been dreaming of:


Enjoying a balanced lifestyle that just feels right.


Feeling calm, stable, and stress-free.


Building a mindset that's all about positivity and growth.


Seeing my skin clear up, my hair shine, and just feeling good in my body.


Losing weight without starving or feeling deprived.


No more bloating, just comfortable, happy digestion.


Sleeping like a baby and waking up refreshed.


Having energy that lasts all day, getting more done and loving it!

And that’s what today I’m Introducing 

The Advanced Body Reset Method

My €777 signature – 6 Months Program

The best part?

This isn’t a quick-fix solution. This is a transformation at the deepest level. This not only is it going to

change your lifestyle, but it is designed to help you achieve the best internal feeling you’ve ever felt about yourself, and not only.

It will help you to sustain your energy, and it’s going to give you the health and wellness to achieve your goals for the long haul.

And the best news is that it’s not just my success story—it has worked wonders for many other women as well.

So how does it work exactly?

All it takes are

3 Simple Steps

That will guide, help and empower you to gain energy, achieve your weight loss goals, and restore

balance your blood sugar and hormones — all without feeling deprived or overwhelmed.

Mindset Mastery

We’ll embark on a journey to unlock the power of your mindset. By cultivating a positive and empowered mindset, you’ll overcome self-limiting beliefs and develop unshakable confidence in your ability to achieve your health and wellness goals. Through personalised coaching and transformative techniques, you’ll develop the mindset tools necessary to sustain long-term success. Connect with Your True Self.

Nutrition & Movement

With a personalised nutrition plan, you’ll support optimal health, balanced blood sugar, and hormone regulation while enjoying delicious and nourishing meals. Tailored to your preferences, we’ll create a customised exercise plan. Whether skiing, playing golf, tennis, or any activity you love, strategic movement will energise your body, improve your fitness, and complement your weight loss and wellness goals.

Support & Accountability

We’ll ensure you have the ongoing support and accountability you need to thrive. In this program, you’ll receive regular check-ins, guidance, and personalised support from me as your dedicated nutritional therapist. You’re not alone in this. Together, we’ll celebrate your victories, overcome obstacles, and ensure that you stay motivated and on track. You deserve to have the energy and be happy.

Can this really work? You bet!

This 6-month program is designed to provide you with the guidance, support, and tools you need to make lasting changes in your health and well-being.

With a personalised approach, expert guidance, and a transformative curriculum, you’ll have the opportunity to achieve your goals, overcome challenges, and experience positive body and mind transformations that can truly last.

Welcome to…

The Advanced Body Reset Method Program

An exclusive community crafted specifically for women who are ready to step into a transformative journey towards optimal health and wellness.


on the inside

What you’ll learn

Phase 1

Foundation & Mindset Mastery

In this phase, you’ll lay the groundwork for your success by cultivating a solid foundation and mastering the power of mindset.




The Power of Self-Awareness

Gain deep insights into your current habits, beliefs, and patterns that may be holding you back from achieving your health goals.


Mindset Shifts for Success

Discover powerful mindset strategies and techniques to overcome self-limiting beliefs, develop a positive outlook, and cultivate a resilient mindset.


Goal Setting and Motivation

Learn effective goal-setting techniques and strategies to stay motivated throughout your journey, setting yourself up for long-term success.

Phase 2

Personalised Nutrition & Meal Planning

In this phase, you’ll dive into the realm of personalised nutrition and meal planning, understanding how to nourish your body for optimal health.




Understanding Macronutrients

Gain knowledge about carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, and learn how to create a balanced plate that supports your unique nutritional needs.


Meal Planning Made Easy

Discover practical tips and techniques for meal planning, including recipe ideas and incorporating various nutrient-dense foods into your meals.


Cravings and Emotional Eating

Understand the root causes of cravings and emotional eating, and develop strategies to overcome them, fostering a healthy relationship with food.

Phase 3

Strategic Movement, Fitness, and Stress Reduction

In this phase, you’ll explore the role of strategic movement and fitness in supporting your overall well-being.




Customizing Your Fitness Routine

Discover how to design a personalized fitness plan that aligns with your goals, preferences, and fitness level.


Breathing Techniques

Explore the added benefit of incorporating breathing techniques to reduce stress, calm the mind, and promote relaxation.


Stress Reduction through Movement

Discover how movement not only improves your physical health but also uplifts your mood, alleviates anxiety, and fosters overall mental well-being

Phase 4

Ongoing Support & Lifestyle Integration

In this final phase, you’ll focus on integrating your newfound knowledge and habits into your everyday life.




Building Sustainable Habits

Understand the science behind habit formation and learn strategies to build sustainable, healthy habits that support your long-term success.


Strategies for Accountability

Discover effective accountability techniques and explore the power of support systems to stay on track and maintain momentum.


Lifestyle Integration

Learn how to navigate social situations, travel, and other challenges while staying true to your health goals, empowering you to maintain your progress and thrive in any circumstance.

Join now and you’ll get instant access to:


Comprehensive Lessons (valued €500)

You’ll have unlimited access to all the lessons and modules within the membership program, empowering you with the knowledge and tools to achieve optimal health, balance your hormones, and transform your body.


1:1 Coaching Sessions (valued €720)

Every month, you’ll have the opportunity to schedule a private 40-minute 1:1 coaching session with me. During these sessions, we’ll dive deep into your specific challenges, create personalized strategies, and provide the individualized support you need to achieve your goals.


Weekly Coaching Group Calls (€1000)

Join our weekly coaching group calls where you can connect with like-minded women, ask questions, receive personalized guidance, and gain valuable insights from me and the community.


Weekly Accountability Check-ins - Voice Mail

You get a direct message to check in with you. I’ll make sure that all your questions are answered, and you focus on what you have to do for the week.


Instant Access To Everything

In-depth lessons, one-to-one coaching sessions, weekly group coaching, community support, and weekly voicemail check-ins

Total Value = €2220

Today’s Price = Only €777


1 payment of €777






But wait – there’s more!

Action Taker Bonuses


Free 6 Months Access to Unbounded Wellness Club

You get access to all the resources and coaching sessions available in this membership


Free 6 Months To Balanced Body And Hormones Club

You get access to all the resources and coaching sessions available in this membership

Today’s Price = Only €777

What members say

Frequently asked questions

Q: Is The Advanced Body Reset Method an online program?

A: Yes, 100% online. That means no embarrassing weekly weigh-ins, no uncomfortable, awkward confessional sessions where you sit around staring at everyone else in the group and feel judged.

Q: When will I get access?

A: You will receive an email with all the details immediately after your purchase and will get access to our private FB group within 12 hours.

Q: How long will I have access?

A: You will have access to all the material and all the weekly coaching groups for the duration of the program. 

Q: How does the program work?

A: The program involves four main phases: Mindset Mastery, Personalized Nutrition & Meal Planning, and Strategic Movement, Fitness, and Stress Reduction. Participants receive comprehensive lessons, 1:1 coaching sessions, and group calls, among other resources.

Q: Are there any refunds for the Advanced Body Reset Method program?

A: We do not offer refunds to online programs and digital products. Due to their nature, digital products cannot be returned once downloaded or accessed.

Why a No-Refund Policy?

Safeguards our work: Digital products are easily copied and shared, and a no-refund policy helps protect our intellectual property.
Prevents potential misuse: It prevents situations where someone could use the product and then request a refund.

We Value Your Satisfaction

If you have any questions or concerns before purchasing, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re committed to helping you make informed decisions.


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wellness academy


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